Buzzing Around the Planet

Bumbles children’s books are a vehicle through which we entertain and educate kids, inform adults, promote action, and empower people. Both were inspired by our service in the field and by the transformational work of others. Part proceeds go back to each organization. You can bee the difference by either getting involved personally, by purchasing copies of Bumbles, or by donating directly. Hopefully all three!

Bumbles … Finds Her Way Home, is about a curious young honeybee from a small village in Africa. When a big rainstorm sends her across the world, how will she get back? It will take tenacity, courage, and an adventure bigger than anything Bumbles has ever known. Are you ready to learn first-hand how amazing the world is beyond her beehive?

You Can Bee the Difference

The second of the series follows Bumbles as she excitedly explores the plains of Tanzania. While doing so, she discovered a baby elephant all alone and completely stuck in a watering hole. What did Bumbles do? How did she save the doomed elephant? It took creativity, courage and teamwork. Are you ready to learn first-hand how she pulled it off? We beeeeeeeeelieve you are!